Friday, April 27, 2007

Why Small Businesses Need to Embrace Social Media

Caught this todayfrom Alain Thys's post on Marketing Profs regarding the importance of Web 2.0 - a.k.a. social media - on marketing relating to "brands" - it only serves to highlight the importance of a web presence for every small business looking to succeed.

When anyone can post anything about anybody - anywhere and any time, you as the marketer of your business are no longer in control of the conversation. If you have no web presence, you have no voice to influence the conversation about your business that may be going on online.

Embrace social media and embrace the future!

clipped from

Social Media Participation is Not Optional for Brands

For traditional marketers this is worse than a nightmare. In the old days, you could still control a conversation by throwing enough money at it or outsmarting the media. I remember tactically forgetting to appear on the evening news in the middle of a PR crisis. Then, 24 hours later the media had moved on, and so did the water-cooler conversations.

Faced with the same crisis on the Web today, I'd need to blog, write and influence my heart out to contain the message. And even if I was especially fast, truthful and professional about it, I would probably fail because Google footprints cannot be erased.

That is why - in my opinion - anyone involved in sales or marketing has no other option but to accept the social media reality and manage every contact as if they were the editor-in-chief of the WSJ himself.

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At 10:43 AM, Blogger vin said...

I’ve added you to my Technorati faves.

Here’s my Technorati faves link :

Add Dummies Guide to Google Blogger Beta to your Technorati Favourites


At 8:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a growing topic. Interesting enough, I have heard lots of Internet Marketers say that don't really see how Social Networks equal marketing.

I think its because some of them have not yet figured out how to charge clients for something thats as easy as giving their opinion.

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Small Business Marketing

At 11:20 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Internet marketing is one of the strongest method for small business marketing. social media has move to next level, people are spending good amount of time on social networking sites. social networking sites are good for your small business marketing.
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