Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Google Earth - Political Force?

Everyone who knows me knows how much I love Google Earth. Today in the Gartman letter I came across a really cool use for the technology that I had never even imagined. As I always say, it's a great time to be alive!

“In Bahrain… ‘Google Earth’ has played a huge role in deciding how the election plays out. Knowing, almost intuitively, that the Sunni royal family’s fortunes were enormous and that the Royals lived a life quite egregiously beyond the most wild dreams of the Shi’ia general populace, with the introduction of Google Earth on the net, the public finally could see just how utterly fantastic were the Royals’ lives. They ‘googled’ the royal compounds hidden beyond huge walls, and were stunned by what they saw.

“The Khalifa family then tried to outlaw ‘Google Earth’ only to find that the uproar was so severe, and the political ramifications equally as severe, that they had no choice but to rescind that decision. The end result is resounding defeat for the parties loyal to the Khalifa royal family and victory for the radical Shi’ia Islamist parties.”

Friday, November 24, 2006

The End of The Glass Ceiling?

I realize I'm a bit behind in my discovery having just read the November 20th Wall Street Journal Report, 50 Women to Watch 2006 - but what is amazing is not the quantity of women heading major corporations (it's barely changed since last year) - what has changed is that women aren't just heading "girly" companies any more. Andrea Jung's achievements are tremendous, but everyone expects Avon to have a woman at the helm. Archer-Daniels-Midland, though? Cadillac? Dupont?

What struck me as I read the list of the 50 Women to Watch 2006 were the varied companies that these gals are heading spanning all indudstries. In case you missed the Report, here's a sampling of the various companies represented in the report: Archer-Daniels-Midland, Avon, Bank of America, BET, BP, Burberry Group, Cadillac, Coca-Cola, Disney ABC TV, Dupont, Ebay, European Union Commission, Genentech, General Electric, Gucci, Hewlett-Packard, J&J, Kraft Foods, Lenovo Group, Lucent Technologies, McDonald's Morgan Stanley, Nielsen Media Research, NTT DoCoMo, Pepsico, P&G, Rite Aid, SEC, Unilever, Verizon Communications, Wal-Mart, Western Union, Xerox, Yahoo ... that's not the whole list, but it gives you an idea of the variety of industries represented on the report.

As the Report concludes, these women are "breaking sterotypes about what women can and can't do well, and opening up new opportunities for women who will follow them."

Is this the end of the Glass Ceiling for women? Weigh-in and tell me what you think!

A Marketing Lesson From The Godfather

Maybe it was the commercials for the recent release of the video game based on the movie based on one of my all-time favorite novels that got me to thinking about how great marketers are just like Don Corleone, the infamous Godfather.

We all need to “make ‘em an offer they can’t refuse.”

Now, I’m not suggesting that we all need to start sending dead fish wrapped in newspaper to anyone who doesn’t buy from us, or start putting hits out on our competitors – we’ll leave those particular tactics to the Corleone family.

What I am suggesting is that, like Don Corleone, we tell our prospects all the reasons why it would be beneficial to them to do business with us. Highlight those benefits, and make it so obvious to them that they can’t live (happily) without your product or service that they are dying to buy from you!

You see – people don’t really care about you – or your company – or even your product or service all that much. What they care about is how you and your product or service will benefit THEM. You’ve heard of WYSIWYG (What You See is What You Get)? Well, here’s a new one that your customer repeats every time he reads anyone’s marketing copy: WIIFM (What’s In It For Me)?

So you tell him! Don’t talk about boring features (the drill is black and weighs 2 lbs. 3 oz.) – tell them about the benefits your drill has to offer – (our drill is so light weight, you won’t feel like your arm is going to fall off – even after 30 minutes of continuous use!)

Your customers don’t want your drill – they want the hole.

Show them how your drill will solve all of their problems, save them time, make their life easier, save them money and make them look like a virtual genius to their friends and family for having chosen such a perfect drill.

By highlighting the specific benefits of your product or service, you will appeal to your prospects on an emotional level – and you’ll have “made ‘em an offer they can’t refuse!”

Wednesday, November 22, 2006



Frequently clients will ask me, “How can you write effective sales letters so FAST?”

One of my clients even shared with me how much time he was spending, hunched over his keyboard, trying to create the “perfect” winning sales letter.

A long time ago, my personal mentor and good trusted friend told me a secret that I have used ever since to write sales letters and any other type of business (or personal) letter. I shared this tip with my client and he's spending much less time agonizing over his sales letters now.

The “secret” is a little copywriting trick known by the acronym: AIDA. No, I'm not talking about some Italian opera - AIDA stands for: Attention, Interest, Desire and Action, the 4 components every good letter must have.

Here's how it works:

Think about the person you are writing to. What will benefit THEM? Why should they care about what you have to say? If you keep your writing focused on how what you have to say will benefit them, you'll capture their attention and compel them to keep reading.

Once you've captured their attention with your benefits, it's time to back those benefits up and hold your reader's interest with a few facts. Keep it short and sweet, but give 'em the facts - this stuff just isn't that interesting and won't keep your reader riveted to your letter for long.

If you told your reader at the start of your letter that your product would help him lose 30 lbs. by next week - you better be ready to back that up with some facts about the ingredients in your product that will do just that. (And if you DO have a product guaranteed to cause that kind of weight loss, call me!)

Now that your reader is interested in what you have to say, you need to help them understand why they should buy from you … most people buy on emotion, and then look for logical reasons to back up their decision. Don't make them have to work too hard to rationalize their decision! Tell them about the advantages of buying from you, provide an iron-clad guarantee, offer a great deal and back it all up with testimonials from satisfied customers. (If we were fishing, this is where I'd tell you to “set the hook”!)

Here's where you reel 'em in! Make sure you close with a strong call-to-action that gets them to click the “order now” button or pick up the phone immediately. Something like:

HURRY! Limited Time Offer - Act Now - Don't Miss Out! Call Now to Place Your Order or visit us as www.lose30lbsnow.com (hey, if you DO have that product, that domain is available - I just checked as I made it up)..

Make sure you provide order details or instructions on what you want the reader to do - what kind of action should they take? Call for more information? Place an order immediately? State it very clearly and make it super-easy to do and you will be surprised at how successful this simple little formula will make your next sales letter writing project!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Beer, Pop-Tarts and Hurricanes!


What do Beer, Pop-Tarts and Hurricanes have to do with your business?

Everything! Let me explain.

Wouldn't it be great if you could know NOW with almost complete certainty the events that were going to happen next week or next month or next year that would impact your customers or your business?

If you did, you could take action to benefit from the opportunity, or prevent the potential loss of a customer, for instance.

Well that's exactly what companies are now doing using a tool called Predictive Analytics. They analyze data about their business, combined with information about their customers and prospects in a way that allows them to predict what is going to happen, and take advantage of a competitive edge
other companies don't have.

This is where Beer and Pop-Tarts come in. Wal-Mart put Predictive Analytics on the map in 2004 when dealt the double-whammy in Florida of Hurricanes Charlie and Frances.

When the hurricane warnings for Charlie were issued, Wal-Mart tracked everything - the weather service hurricane data, customer information and spending patterns. Three weeks later when the warnings for Frances were issued, Wal-Mart used the information it had gathered when Charlie hit to
predict the likely sales of ALL of their items. (It turns out, Floridians really go for beer and Pop-Tarts when a hurricane is coming - go figure!)

Wal-Mart used the information they gathered to ensure that their Florida stores were adequately stocked with the merchandise their customers would want, turning a potential business disruption into an opportunity.

And it's not only Wal-Mart. Wireless phone companies know that if a customer calls their Customer Care Department with the same complaint 3 times within a short period of time, that customer is likely to switch to another carrier (or "churn" to use wireless jargon). There is a predictable correlation between the event and it's outcome that allows a company using Predictive Analytics to turn a potential negative into a positive.

Another way companies are using Predictive Analytics is in deciding where to expand retail operations and locate new stores. When presented with multiple choices of available lease space, how to choose the best option is often a challenge.

Using Predictive Analytics, companies evaluate their existing customer base and store data, then combine that with information about household income, age and other lifestyle and demographic data to select the right location for their business.

As you can see, Predictive Analytics can help ANY type of company or organization gain a strong competitive advantage. And while it sounds like it takes an immense IT department and a big budget to utilize this technology, that's not the case.

The best way to launch a Predictive Solution is to partner with a company that can help you get your feet wet, by doing a test with one area of your business. A successful Predictive Analytical Solution starts with a customer focus, so keeping that in mind - work with your partner company to
find ways that you can keep existing customers, attract new members or customers to your business or capitalize on a business opportunity your competitors aren't aware of.

Once you experience success in one area of your business with Predictive Analytics, you'll be amazed at how quickly you start to see other uses for this valuable tool throughout other areas of your organization.

If you'd like to know how Predictive Analytics could help you take advantage of unforeseen opportunities, gain new customers and get a competitive edge, give me a call!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

RSS for The Rest of Us

Did you know that you can easily post an RSS feed from your favorite bloggers to your "My Yahoo" or "My Google" (or "My AOL") Page just like you can add other news sources like the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times?

You can! And it's easy, as long as your favorite blogger is offering RSS Syndication on their blog.

All you need to do is to visit your favorite blog, and click on their RSS feed icon. Sometimes referred to as "chicklets" these may say "add to myYahoo", etc. - in which case it is very simple: all you have to do is click on the chicklet appropriate for your page and you will have that blog feed streaming to the page just like all your other news sites.

If all you see on your favorite blog is a small orange (or other color) button with some lines that look like transmission signals, then click on that, and you'll be given the address of that blog's RSS feed.

Copy this address, and then go into your "myYahoo" page (or whichever service you prefer), choose the option to add content, and then select "add URL for RSS feed." Paste the RSS feed address that you copied from the blog link, and you have now added streaming content from that blog to your favorite page.

Try it - it's really convenient to have your favorite blogs appear right on your favorite page, along with all your other valued news sources.

Monday, November 13, 2006

How to Run With the Big Dogs


"How do I gain an advantage in my market when it seems like all of my competitors can outspend me by at least double or more?"

This is one of the main questions I hear from our customers and it's something that businesses everywhere struggle with - not just small businesses, but any company that is not the leader in their category. (Think Pepsi or Burger King - both have large marketing and advertising budgets, but they are not the category leader, and they are routinely outspent by
their larger rivals).

In order to compete effectively, your marketing needs to be DIFFERENT and BETTER than your competition. By "better" I don't mean that you need to spend a fortune on your advertising. You do need to reach your audience BETTER than your competition, and you can do that - even on a relatively small marketing budget.

Start by THINKING DIFFERENTLY - what ways can you market to your target customers or gain publicity that are DIFFERENT than other companies in your industry?

A locally-owned ice cream shop in Bloomington created a stir when they opened their location by sending a press release to just about every celebrity they could think of, announcing the opening of their new business. "Scoops" was overwhelmed by the responses they got from close to 400
"personalities" with autographed pictures inscribed with "good luck on your new venture" messages. The walls in their shop are adorned with these framed celebrity photos providing a great "buzz-factor" for a new, privately owned business.

A small lingerie company in New York didn't have the budget to compete with their big-spending rival, Victoria's Secret. They realized they needed to THINK DIFFERENTLY so they came up with a crafty marketing campaign. They
couldn't afford New York's high media prices, so they stenciled their message (with environmentally-safe, washable paints) on sidewalks outside the convention center and other high-traffic areas:

"From here, it looks like you could use some new underwear."

Risky? Yes. Edgy? You bet. Did it work? Absolutely! Not only did consumers see it, but the press noticed it and hundreds of articles were written all over the world about Bamboo Lingerie. You just can't buy publicity like that!

It's not enough to just "be different" though - you need to reach your customers BETTER than your competition too.

A small bank was looking for ways to attract new customers. They realized the impact that the fear of identity theft was having, with lots of stories in the media, bills before congress, newspaper articles and television commercials all talking about "identity theft."

They capitalized on this ongoing discussion by hosting a "shredding event" at their local branch banks. Customers were invited to bring in all of their old bank, credit card and utility statements and have them shredded while they watched, protecting their identity while learning about the bank and it's services.

They partnered with a local office supply company to bring in shredding machines, and a local restaurant to cater the event. They issued press releases to the newspapers and handed out flyers to their existing customers. Once word got out about the event, the local newspaper ran a story about the event and the local news station did a spot on it as well.

For the cost of a few hundred flyers and a press release, the bank earned tremendous goodwill with the community, got great coverage in the newspaper and television and increased their new customer sign-ups that month by over 50%!

Start thinking today of ways that YOU can market DIFFERENTLY and BETTER than your competition, and run with the big dogs...even without a huge marketing budget!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

The 13 Most Powerful Words in Marketing


Everyone knows that words have power (well, maybe not everyone - but Maverick Marketers certainly do!) Consider the word, "nice." Nice doesn't pack any power. It just sits there, doesn’t it?

"We had a nice dinner." That doesn't tell you much. How about, "We had a delicious dinner." While "nice" tells you nothing, "delicious" describes the meal.

How about this sentence: "I went for a walk on the beach. It was nice, sunny and quiet." Compare that to, "I went for a leisurely stroll on the beach. It was rejuvenating and the sun was shining brilliantly across the water."

See what I mean about words having power?

The same holds true for words you use in any marketing campaign you launch. A famous study done by Yale University once pegged the “12 Most Powerful Words in English-language Advertising” as:


I would add the word, “Free” as well – when used cautiously. (Too many Internet scams have abused the word). Used in context, however, “free” can be powerful.

While these words definitely have power – they are no magic bullet. Trying to use powerful words to make up for weak copy overall is like trying to use a band-aid to fix a broken leg. Powerful words, combined with powerful, well written, benefit-packed copy is the best formula for guaranteeing powerful results from your marketing campaign.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Small Business Mavericks Are in Control!

Be a Maverick. Take Control. Grow Your Sales!

Announcing the Small Business Mavericks Blog!

Small business owners are plagued by marketing firms, advertising salespeople and consultants who provide advice that is expensive, self-serving and worst of all - doesn't help them increase their sales or grow their customer base.

At Small Business Mavericks, we believe that the small business owner knows his or her business best, but they feel out of control because they lack the tools to help them successfully market their business and grow their sales.

We've been in your shoes! With over 20 years of marketing experience, we've battled agencies, consultants and "marketing experts" of all types who were hell-bent on selling us ineffective, over-priced advertising or marketing materials . We know what small business owners need, and we've built our company on delivering it.

Small Business Mavericks
Be a Maverick. Take Control. Grow Your Sales!
